File to Become a Registered Lobbyist

Registrants should include any person who receives or who is entitled to receive from another person or entity, under an agreement by which the person is retained or employed (other than a governmental agency), compensation or reimbursement to communicate on behalf of the other person or entity directly with any county official or employee for the purpose of influencing any action or decision by such county official or employee. This definition does not include an attorney or other person representing a client whose only contact is pursuant to representation of a client which is disclosed in a public record through pleadings or other written documents, nor to anyone whose sole contact with county officials or employees is at a public meeting or hearing during which the representation is disclosed.

Enter Lobbyist Information Enter Client/Employer Information
 First Name:
 Middle Name:
 Last Name:


 Client/Employer Name:

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If You Selected "Other", Please Enter Activity Here